Along with the variety of taste sensations, Thai cuisine is associated with heat. Chillies are essential ingredients of Thai cuisine and are responsible for making it delightful. We at Farmley have spiced up our W240 cashews with Thai Chillies and have curated a product that you’ll always savour.
- Nutritional Benefits: Cashews are low in sugar and rich in fiber, they contain heart-healthy fats and plant protein.
- Perfect Blend: Cashews are a perfect source of copper, magnesium, and manganese- the nutrients that are important for energy production, brain health, immunity and bone health. Adding on to that, the Thai Chilli flavour makes it a perfect blend of health and taste.
- Healthy and Tasty Snacking: Thai Chilli Cashews are the perfect chai time partners, both at home and office.
- Attractive taste and texture: Inspired by the traditions of Indian roasting artistry, this is a product that lingers both in terms of taste and texture.
- Tempting: The warm, aromatic and sweet flavour of Thai Chilli makes the roasted cashews super tempting to pick on.